IPv6 Excuse Bingo

I don't want to expose my MAC address Azure doesn't support it IPv6 is a security risk Too many people have broken IPv6 stacks IPv6 is slower than IPv4
We forgot to include IPv6 in our last RFP We don't have a lab to test it Those stupid Privacy Extension addresses keep changing Vendor bugs It's not mature enough
There's no certification track It's too complicated IPv6 addresses are too long to remember AWS doesn't support it
We would have to rewrite our entire application to support it We'll deploy IPv6 next financial year Our DDOS mitigation platform can't monitor IPv6 IPv6 isn't an Internet Standard yet NAT444 is fine
My transit provider doesn't support IPv6 What do you mean I have to wrap an IP in square brackets? Did you mean IPTV? Our Dynamic DNS doesn't support it It'll break our GeoIP
Made with excuses from ipv6excuses.com
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